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play makAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A OVER B WITH NOTIONAL TAX YEARS WITH NOTIONAL TAX alisA alisA FPTH@ FaliA RPTH@ FPTHA alisA alisA alisA HBAM3016AUG95@ sam001 4:17 pm 3:54:17 pm 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter d]dQ`Y`W 9/7/9998 Helvetica Geneva A OVER B FOREIGN OREIGN NAL TAX A OVER B WITHOUT NOTIONAL TAX FOREIGN GAIN FOREIGN YEARS GAIN WITH NOTIONAL TAX GAIN WITHOUT NOTIONAL TAX YEARS WITH NOTIONAL TAX YEARS WITHOUT NOTIONAL TAX Gain without notional taxB Gain with notional taxB Years with notional taxB Years without notional taxB A over B without notional taxB A over B with notional taxB Foreign GainB Foreign YearsB @"A Ind Entry Report Front Page Printing screen A Ind EntryB A over B ForeignB Insurance CompanyB Policy NumberB Notional Tax ForeignB *23/100 Notional Tax UKB *23/100 Total Foreign GainsB Total Foreign Gains CopyB Total Gains without taxB Total Gains with taxB Total UK taxB Total Foreign taxB Creation DateB Last ModifiedB Serial Number A OVER B WITH NOTIONAL TAX A OVER B WITHOUT NOTIONAL TAX CLIENT NUMBER CONSTANT CREATION DATE FOREIGN GAIN FOREIGN YEARS GAIN WITH NOTIONAL TAX GAIN WITHOUT NOTIONAL TAX INSURANCE COMPANY LAST MODIFIED NOTIONAL TAX FOREIGN NOTIONAL TAX UK POLICY NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER TOTAL FOREIGN GAINS TOTAL FOREIGN GAINS COPY TOTAL FOREIGN TAX TOTAL GAINS WITH TAX TOTAL GAINS WITHOUT TAX TOTAL UK TAX K TAX TOTAL UK TAX TOTAL UK TAX TOTAL UK TAX UK TAX L UK TAX Years without notional taxB A over B without notional taxB A over B with notional taxB Foreign GainB Foreign YearsB Goto Help Goto Index Goto report Goto Individual entry Goto Front Page Goto Printing screen Add new entry Print Report Startup Script Password A Goto Help Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 ReportB Gain without notional taxF Gain with notional taxP Foreign GainV Insurance CompanyX Policy NumberYEFill in a separate record for each policy or linked group of policiesc Client Numberd#<< AFAAABACABAB>> << AFAAABACABAC>>h Gaini Number of yearsj Notional Taxk Close Index Delete FMRLA CEG to Clients NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 alisA SARAH Clients.FP3 FMP3FMP3 Correspondence ,SARAH:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 FMRLA CEG to Clients YEARS WITH NOTIONAL TAX YEARS WITHOUT NOTIONAL TAX ent NumberB Gain without notional taxB Gain with notional taxB Years with notional taxB Years without notional taxB A over B without notional taxB A over B with notional taxB Foreign GainB Foreign YearsB Pro 3.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0M1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Macintosh HD Clients.FP3 FMP3FMP3 Correspondence 3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 0RPTH FPTHA0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 Taxpayer s Name^#<< AFAAABACABAB>> << AFAAABACABAC>>` Gain (A)a No of Years (B)b Notional TaxdIReport of Chargeable Event Gains for boxes 12.4 to 12.8 and Foreign Pagese Insurance Co & Policy No.f Unique Taxpayer Referenceg AFAAABACABCP>>j No Notional Taxk With Notional Taxl Foreign Gainsn Employer s Referenceo AFAAABACABFM>>q Total Foreign Gains (box 6.8)s"Total Gains without tax (box 12.5)x Total Gains with tax (box 12.8)y Total UK Notional Tax (box 12.7)}$Total Notional tax (Foreign) box 6.7~ To form SA100; To Foreign pages; Enter Client Number Front PageB ConstantB DateB TimeB TimeB TimeB TimeB TimeB TestB TimeB TimeB Goto Index Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA /RPTH Fali Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 alisA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA Goto report Cancel You must enter a client number to select details for this report, then press 'enter' Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 FPTHA/Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 alisA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA 2RPTH FPTHA2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Clients_.USR RPTHA Clients_.USR Zip 100 Clients_.USR FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Clients_.USR .SC/IOMEGA -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD Zip 100 Clients_.USR FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 2Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Clients_.USR .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Clients_.USR Goto Individual entry Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 Goto Front Page Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 Goto Printing screen Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 alisalis Add new entry Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 A3Welcome to the Chargeable Event Gain input database] Quit_ Close` Helpa Indexc Please input each gain separately on the next screen, then you can prepare a report to submit with the Return on the screen after that, and print it from the last screen Enter Client NumberCEPlease don t forget to specify the number of copies you want to printD FindF QuitG CloseH HelpI IndexJ Print Printing screenB Print Report Noncel Have you selected (using 'Find') only the client you want to print the report for? Don't forget to select 'current record' in Tax Manager print dialogB) Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 alisis Startup Script Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index -RPTH +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR alisacintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index Client NumberB Gain without notional taxB Gain with notional taxB Years with notional taxB Years without notional taxB A over B without notional taxB A over B with notional taxB Foreign GainB Foreign YearsB sam001U 23/5/99V 23/5/99W 23/5/99` 8:44:08 pm 710.8941U 19/11/98V 19/11/98W 19/11/98` 12:55:25 pm sam001U 23/5/99V 23/5/99W 23/5/99` 8:44:08 pm 19/11/98` 12:55:25 pm sam001U 23/5/99V 23/5/99W 23/5/99` 8:44:08 pm 19/11/98` 12:55:25 pm sam001U 23/5/99V 23/5/99W 23/5/99` 8:44:08 pm 9/11/98W 19/11/98` 12:55:25 pm sam001U 23/5/99V 23/5/99W 23/5/99` 8:44:08 pm 20.47 N 3224.7081 Macintosh HD ChEvGn_.USR FMP3UFSR TM Files 6Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:ChEvGn_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD ARPTH FPTHA8Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Clients MSPCA NAMEA Clients RPTHA Clients alisA Macintosh HD Clients FMP3UFSR TM Files 8Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Clients ARPTH A OVER B WITH NOTIONAL TAX YEARS WITH NOTIONAL TAX alisA alisA FPTH@ FaliA RPTH@ FPTHA alisA alisA FPTHA NAME@ alisA 6RPTH FPTHA6Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:ChEvGn_.USR MSPCA NAMEA ChEvGn_.USR RPTHA ChEvGn_.USR alis Manager 98 (SDK):Index.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD 6RPTH FPTHA6Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:ChEvGn_.USR MSPCA NAMEA ChEvGn_.USR RPTHA ChEvGn_.USR "Hello" HelloC Cancel F1F1F1 Your access to this database has been barred by the copyright owners. Please contact Ritz Software on 01689 860444 or eMail TaxManager@ritz.u-net.com Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 Password Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 "Hello" Hello 1)="Don" Sorry Cancel YOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO HACK THE PASSWORDS WHICH IS A BREACH OF THE LICENCE AGREEMENT. CRUCIAL FILES AND RECORDS HAVE THEREFORE BEEN DELETED TO STOP FURTHER ABUSEI$ dence:Clients.FP3 uvX,. Helvetica Geneva Times New Roman 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index FPTHAAMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help MSPCA NAMEA Tax Manager Help RPTHA Tax Manager Help alisA Macintosh HD Tax Manager Help 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files AMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help .RPTH alis FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file MSPCA NAMEA Help file RPTHA Help file alisA Macintosh HD Help file 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file FPTHA4Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal MSPCA RPTHA Personal alisA Macintosh HD Personal FMP3UFSR Family Tax Files 4Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal NAMEA Personal RPTHA Personal 4RPTH MSPC FPTHA4Macintosh HD:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal MSPCA